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News - Budo Spirit

state titles 2011

2013 Queensland Kata Competition

On Sunday 24th of March, the 2013 Queensland State Kata Competition was once again held at the Ipswich Dojo. In all, 22 competitors went head to head to perform their best kata to their own grade levels.

There was a vast range of kata’s on display from junior grades, right through to senior Dan grades.

As it was quite a hot day, most students felt the pressure against their opponent early on, but certainly showed that the heat would not discourage them from giving everything towards their technique and kata abilities.

Competitors and spectators were also treated to a kata demonstration cleverly displayed by the Black belt Dan grades of the Ipswich Dojo.

We would like to thank Sensei Mike Wyville for once again organising, hosting and judging a fantastic kata competition. Also a huge thank you to Sempai’s Peter Meredith, Janelle Madson and Chris Gale for their input as judges on the day.

Thanks to all officials that helped run the event smoothly.

And above all a big congratulations to the Students that competed on the day. OSU!!!

(Sempai Josh Cooke)

state titles 2011


9 Years & Under 1st Kaito Nelson (Ipswich)
  2nd Abby Anderson (Ipswich)
  3rd Ryan Anderson (Ipswich)
Male 10-12 Years 1st Bailey Jackson (Ormeau)
  2nd David Wright (Ipswich)
Female 10-12 Years 1st Portia King (Ormeau)
  2nd Ivy Beard (Ormeau)
  3rd Eve Barrett (Kingscliff)
  Plate Eleanor Culley (Ipswich)
Male 5th Kyu & Under 1st Shaun King (Ormeau)
  2nd Scott Thomas (Nerang)
  3rd Wayne Van Tiggelen (Nerang)
Female 5th Kyu & Under 1st Tracy Tynan (Ormeau)
  2nd Kerry Reed (Ormeau)
Male Open 1st Josh Cooke (Nerang)
  2nd Drew Camm (Ipswich)
  3rd Graeme Hall (Ipswich)
  Plate Daniel Buckley (Ipswich)
Female Open 1st Amber Moore (Ipswich)
  2nd Yoco Nelson (Ipswich)


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